Monday, July 1, 2013

Rolling along...

July!  Can you believe it?  We just finished the rainiest June that I can remember!

I'm praying for a dry Saturday so I can finish my painting jobs for the bathroom renovation - and do some abstract art with my boys - both things I refuse to do inside because I am a very messy painter and I hope to instill my messiness into my boys via tubes of acrylic paint and canvas!  I also long to go out into the garden, but it's rained so much that it's rather swamp-like and my husband hasn't been able to mow or weed-whack because of the outpouring of love from the clouds above!  My plants seem to be happy, they're growing like gangbusters, but I do need to mound the potatoes before they start peeking through the surface.

I am getting ready for the fall and Christmas selling season.  Last week, in the midst of vacation Bible school, I crochet and felted ten more black wool mice and they're packaged with catnip.

Cat Nip Mouse Toy - Felted Black Wool

The 2013 Teen Choice Awards are coming up and these are the items I shipped to gift at the indiExhibit Celebrity Gifting Lounge.  Crochet lidded baskets are in the gifting bags and the handled basket will be on display for someone to choose.

I have one of each of these baskets available for sale and I can make them in custom sizes upon request.

Look for matted prints of my floral and scenic photography to be added to WoodstreamPapery this summer along with a variety of scenic and floral cards.

I will continue to work on adding stock to my Etsy shops over the coming weeks.

Thanks for checking in!  Have a blessed week!

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